8-Bit Eric (8BE)

Shady Jay of the Game Chasers admitting 8-Bit Eric has made fake accounts:

Eric created a fake account pretending to be someone else called baronvonkeeb. On the one video he made on it, he shifted his voice and made a video to try and prove that he wasn't really Eric, but ironically the video itself proved the accusation to be true. He has been afraid of this video getting out for ages. In it, he not only takes more stabs at Darius Truxton, but makes calls Keeb The Joking Gamer, a man who had recently died (who he was friends with) a "fat dead midget".

8-Bit Eric (8BE)'s voice on his baronvonkeeb account:
Pitch/speed shifted:

level1online has posted the term "April 26th" hundreds of times to joke about how he claims he got Darius Truxton fired from his job on that date on 2021.
Eric literally tweeted this out in support of the harassment:

(Proof that April 26th was in refrence to this):

Eric straight-up supporting level1online's video on getting Darius Truxton to lose his job:

Eric openly promoting level1online on a date long after most of the doxxing openly happened (no possibility that he didn't know). Also contains fake account of Dave C. and he still hearted and responded to it:

https://archive.ph/RFqle#6% https://archive.ph/glkcT#15%

Eric openly supporting sexually video sexually harassing Darius Truxton's sister (on an alt account that almost no one knew about, no less):

Proof of Eric supporting the trolling and doxxing agaisnt Darius Truxton, even commenting after Darius makes this video exposing level1online's fake comments:

Eric supporting OverThink Gaming's video trolling Darius and making up slander about him:

Proof of all the fake accounts shown in that video here, as well as proof that the real8-Bit Eric commented on it:

Update 12-21-22: Shady Jay defends Eric's activities in response to me on Twitter:

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