Radical Reggie

Reggie openly supporting OverThink Gaming's video trolling Darius and making up slander about him:

I forget if I have it on file, but he once said in one of level1online's livestreams that "getting someone fired is the ultimate humiliation" after responding and laughign with him about trying to get Darius Truxton fired from his job.

Three videos proving Reggie is an internet predator who openly supports level1online:

Radical Reggie even insults MetalJesusRocks, who he's supposed to be the best friend of, laughing with level1online about how MJR blocked him for spamming around. Reggie now openly supports trolling YouTube channels that he works with?

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Radical Reggie constantly posted the hashtag #wearelevel1online (even as recently as September 2022) to promote him as if they're both part of the same YouTube channel, almsot like they're a business.

He is the only person in all of YouTube or Twitter who has done this. Reggie is only of level1online's only and biggest supporters.